Under the 2018 General Data Protection Regulations it is important that you understand how we will securely process the data you store within InSessionPro. The information below is designed to to answer some of those GDPR question.
As a data processor, InSessionPro has a responsibility to ensure that the data within our system is secure. To this end, InSessionPro is hosted in a UK based data-centre that is ISO27001 compliant. InSessionPro uses secure SSL based encryption of all data between the host system and the end user. We are ICO registered.
Password Protection
As the end user, you will be able to access your individual account within InSessionPro. The system is password protected, we advise using a password that is at least 8 characters long and includes the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and a ‘character’ such as a ? or !.
Browser Compatibility
InSessionPro is browser based and designed to work on all modern web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Chrome and Safari. InSessionPro can be accessed via your computer/laptop, tablet or phone, via the web address.
We recommend using Google Chrome as it’s always up to date, secure and fast. For added security you can consider using Incognito Mode which saves no data or passwords locally.
Cookies are small packets of information that some systems store. InSessionPro stores no tracking or client data Cookies.
Data Processor v’s Data Controller
Ultimate responsibility for GDPR compliance sits with the Data Controller. InSessionPro is a data management system that facilitates your compliance but it does not remove the end user’s responsibility to ensure that the clients they work with are informed of their Privacy Policy and the related lawful basis for collecting, using and storing their personal data.
You are in 100% control of all data stored within InSessionPro. We do not duplicate or own any stored data. You can use as many of the product features as you chose, making changes or updates to any stored data with ease.